In our Frisco chiropractic office plantar fasciitis is a common complaint in patients with foot pain. Plantar Fasciitis is an irritation of the plantar fascia which is on the bottom of the foot. It is usually caused by an over pronation of the foot during gait and occurs in athletes as a micro-injury that adds up to cause the condition. The plantar fascia gets very inflamed due to the improper biomechanics of the foot. The diagnosis of plantar fasciitis is usually easy to determine and the hallmark complaint is the first step in the morning being very painful. On radiographic study there can also be a calcaneal spur which is seen in this condition.
Chiropractors are well versed in treating musculoskeletal conditions and plantar fasciitis responds well to chiropractic. The overall treatment protocol should first be focused on decreasing pain and inflammation. The method to decrease inflammation is going to be cryotherapy, in our Frisco chiropractic office we usually tell patients to fill an empty soda bottle with water and freeze it. We then instructed the patient to roll the frozen bottle with their foot for a certain period of time, this method works well. Also therapy to the soft tissues around the foot like stretching can also be a useful tool as tight muscles pull the foot out of place during gait. Chiropractic care will also involve chiropractic adjusting of the joints in the foot that are fixated and an evaluation of the lumbar spine could reveal a biomechanical problem. Along with home exercises and continued care a patient should respond quite favorable to chiropractic care for this condition.
Chiropractors are well versed in treating musculoskeletal conditions and plantar fasciitis responds well to chiropractic. The overall treatment protocol should first be focused on decreasing pain and inflammation. The method to decrease inflammation is going to be cryotherapy, in our Frisco chiropractic office we usually tell patients to fill an empty soda bottle with water and freeze it. We then instructed the patient to roll the frozen bottle with their foot for a certain period of time, this method works well. Also therapy to the soft tissues around the foot like stretching can also be a useful tool as tight muscles pull the foot out of place during gait. Chiropractic care will also involve chiropractic adjusting of the joints in the foot that are fixated and an evaluation of the lumbar spine could reveal a biomechanical problem. Along with home exercises and continued care a patient should respond quite favorable to chiropractic care for this condition.
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